Mungojerrie  1.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Gym.ccInterface between learner and model/objective
 Gym.hhInterface between learner and model/objective
 Learner.ccReinforcement learning algorithms
 Learner.hhReinforcement learning algorithms
 LTS.ccLabeled transition systems (base class for automata classes)
 LTS.hhLabeled transition systems (base class for automata classes)
 Parity.ccParity automata
 Parity.hhParity automata
 Stree.ccSafra trees
 Stree.hhSafra trees
 testLTS.ccTest program for LTS and Parity
 CommandLineOptions.hhDefinition and processing of command-line options
 main.ccMain function and its helpers
 Verbosity.hhVerbosity-related definitions
 Model.ccMarkov Decision Processes and Stochastic Games
 Model.hhMarkov Decision Processes and Stochastic Games
 ModelCheck.ccModel checking algorithms for MDPs
 ModelGames.ccAlgorithms to solve stochatic games
 ModelOptions.hhOption structure for models
 testModel.ccTest program for model construction
 testProduct.ccTest program for model-objective product construction
 Past.hhAbstract Syntax Tree for PRISM parser
 Pdriver.ccDriver for PRISM parser
 Pdriver.hhDriver for PRISM parser
 Pscanner.llScanner definition for PRISM parser
 Pwrapper.hhWrapper class for PRISM parser
 Set.hhSet manipulation functions
 State.hhBasic type definitions
 testSet.ccTest rpogram for set manipulation functions
 testUtil.ccTest program for utility functions
 Util.ccUtility functions
 Util.hhUtility functions