Mungojerrie  1.1.1
LTS< Tran > Member List

This is the complete list of members for LTS< Tran >, including all inherited members.

addAtomicProposition(BDD proposition, std::string name)LTS< Tran >
addState(State s, Delta delta=Delta{})LTS< Tran >
addTransition(State source, State destination, BDD const &label)LTS< Tran >
cbegin()LTS< Tran >inline
cend()LTS< Tran >inline
checkTransitions(void) constLTS< Tran >
const_iterator typedefLTS< Tran >
Delta typedef (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >
Edge typedef (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >
EdgeSet typedef (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >
epsilon (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
findTransient(std::vector< State > &transient, StateSet const &init, StateSet const &restriction) constLTS< Tran >
findTransient(std::vector< State > &transient, StateSet const &restriction) constLTS< Tran >
findTransient(std::vector< State > &transient) constLTS< Tran >
getAtomicPropositions(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
getEpsilonBDD(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
getEpsilonSuccessors(State source) constLTS< Tran >
getInitial(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
getLetters(std::vector< State > const &statevec) constLTS< Tran >
getManager(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
getPropositionName(BDD proposition) constLTS< Tran >
getSCCs(StateSet const &init, StateSet const &restriction, EdgeSet const &forbiddenEdges) constLTS< Tran >
getSCCs(StateSet const &init, StateSet const &restriction) constLTS< Tran >
getSCCs(StateSet const &restriction) constLTS< Tran >
getSCCs(void) constLTS< Tran >
getSuccessor(State source, BDD letter) constLTS< Tran >
getSuccessors(State source, BDD letter) constLTS< Tran >
hasEpsilonTransitions(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
initialState (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
isComplete(void) constLTS< Tran >
isDeterministic(bool complete=true) constLTS< Tran >
isTrivial(StateSet const &scc, EdgeSet const &forbidden=EdgeSet{}) constLTS< Tran >protected
letters(StateSet const &stateset, std::vector< BDD > &lv) constLTS< Tran >
LTS(Cudd mgr)LTS< Tran >
makeInitial(State s)LTS< Tran >
mergeTransitions(void)LTS< Tran >protected
mgr (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
numStates(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
PairsStateBdd typedefLTS< Tran >
print(std::ostream &os=std::cout) constLTS< Tran >
printDot(std::string graphname=std::string("LTS")) constLTS< Tran >
product(LTS const &second)LTS< Tran >
pruneVarSet(void)LTS< Tran >protected
readVerbosity(void) constLTS< Tran >inline
SCCs typedefLTS< Tran >
setEpsilonBDD(BDD const &e)LTS< Tran >inline
setVerbosity(int v)LTS< Tran >inline
stateEquivalence(std::map< State, unsigned > const &outputClass) constLTS< Tran >
states (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
subsetsLTS(std::map< State, StateSet > &subsets) constLTS< Tran >
Transition typedef (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >
TransitionMap typedef (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
transitions (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
trim(StateSet const &targets)LTS< Tran >
trim(StateSet const &targets, SCCs const &sccs)LTS< Tran >
varSet (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected
verbosity (defined in LTS< Tran >)LTS< Tran >protected