Mungojerrie  1.1.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NastNamespace of abstract syntax tree components
 Chash< GameState >Hash specialization to use in unordered containers
 Cless< MyStruct >Overloading of '<' operator
 NUtilNamespace of utilities
 CBddCompareClass that defines a comparison operator for the BDD class
 CPairHashClass that defines a hash function for pairs
 CPairWithBddCompareClass that defines a comparison operator for pairs with BDDs
 CBaseTransitionBase class for the labeled edges of the transition graph
 CBuildParityClass for HOA parsing
 CCommandLineOptionsA class for parsing and storing command line options
 CGameStateHelper class for simulation game graphs
 CGymClass for a learning interface
 CGymInfoClass for encapsulation of return values of Gym
 CLTSClass of labeled transition systems
 CPartitionRefinementClass to compute partition refinement for the states of an LTS
 CSccAnalyzerClass to compute the (maximal) SCCs of the LTS
 CSubsetConstructionHelper class to perform Rabin-Scott subset construction
 CModelClass for MDPs and related structures
 CAttractorResultsClass for return value of getAttractorWithStrat
 CPlayerSetsClass to store return value of probMcNaughton
 CSccAnalyzerClass to compute the (maximal) SCCs of the model
 CStrategyResultsClass for return value of getStrategy
 CModelOptionsClass to pass options to Model
 CMyOtherStructThis struct overloads the '<' operator
 CMyPairTemplate class that overloads operator<<
 CMyStructThis struct uses template specialization for the comparison function
 Cp_driverScanning and parsing of (restricted) PRISM models
 CParityClass of parity automata
 CDetermHelper class to perform DPW determinization
 COSPGameHelper class to solve 3-priority parity games
 CSimulHelper class for simulation equivalence computation
 CParityTransitionClass of parity-annotated transitions
 Cprint_tuple_aux< T, 0 >
 CStreeClass of compact Safra trees used for Piterman's NBW to DPW procedure
 CVerbosityClass of verbosity values
 CYourCompareFunction object for YourStruct
 CYourStructThis structure relies on a function object for the comparison