Mungojerrie  1.1
Learner Member List

This is the complete list of members for Learner, including all inherited members.

DifferentialQLearning(unsigned int numEpisodes, double alpha, double linearAlphaDecay, double epsilon, double linearExploreDecay, double eta, double initValue)Learner
DoubleQLearning(unsigned int numEpisodes, double alpha, double linearAlphaDecay, double discount, double epsilon, double linearExploreDecay, double initValue)Learner
Learner(Gym gym, LearnerOptions options)Learner
operator<< (defined in Learner)Learnerfriend
QLearning(unsigned int numEpisodes, double alpha, double linearAlphaDecay, double discount, double epsilon, double linearExploreDecay, double initValue)Learner
SarsaLambda(double lambda, bool replacingTrace, unsigned int numEpisodes, double alpha, double linearAlphaDecay, double discount, double epsilon, double linearExploreDecay, double initValue)Learner