![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Model, including all inherited members.
addActionStateReward(Node node, Action action, Reward reward) | Model | |
addAtomicProposition(BDD proposition, std::string name) | Model | |
addDecisionNode(Node node, std::string name, Player player=0) | Model | |
addDecisionTransition(Node source, Node destination, Action a, Reward reward=0.0, Priority p=0) | Model | |
addLabel(Node node, BDD proposition) | Model | |
addProbabilisticNode(Node node, std::string name=std::string("")) | Model | |
addProbabilisticTransition(Node source, Node destination, Probability p, Reward r=0.0) | Model | |
addStateReward(Node node, Reward reward) | Model | |
addTransitionProbability(Node source, Node destination, Probability probability, Reward reward=0.0) | Model | |
cbegin() | Model | inline |
cend() | Model | inline |
const_iterator typedef | Model | |
getActionName(Action action) const | Model | |
getActions(Node state) const | Model | |
getActionStateReward(Node state, Action action) const | Model | |
getAtomicPropositions(void) const | Model | inline |
getAttractor(std::set< Node > const &target, Player targetPlayer, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< std::pair< Node, Action >> const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getAttractor(std::set< Node > const &target, Player targetPlayer, std::set< Node > const &restriction) const | Model | |
getAttractor(std::set< Node > const &target, Player targetPlayer) const | Model | |
getAttractorWithStrat(std::set< Player > targetPlayers, std::set< Node > const &target, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getBDPStrategy(void) const | Model | |
getDecisionNodes(Player player=0) const | Model | |
getInitial(void) const | Model | inline |
getManager(void) const | Model | inline |
getMECs(std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< std::pair< Node, Action >> const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getMECs(std::set< Node > const &restriction) const | Model | |
getMECs(void) const | Model | |
getNodeCounts(void) const | Model | |
getNodeLetter(Node decisionnode) const | Model | |
getNodeName(Node node) const | Model | |
getNodePlayer(Node state) const | Model | |
getNumOfStrategicPlayers(void) const | Model | |
getOptions(void) const | Model | |
getProbabilityOfSat(void) const | Model | |
getProbabilityOfSat1Player(void) const | Model | |
getPropositionName(BDD proposition) const | Model | |
getSCCs(std::set< Node > const &init, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const (defined in Model) | Model | |
getSCCs(std::set< Node > const &init, std::set< Node > const &restriction) const | Model | |
getSCCs(std::set< Node > const &restriction) const | Model | |
getSCCs(void) const | Model | |
getStrategy(void) const | Model | |
getStrategy1Player(void) const | Model | |
getStrategy2Player(void) const | Model | |
getStrategy2Player(std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getStrategy2Player(std::map< Node, Priority > pri, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getStrategyReach1Player(std::set< Node > const &target, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getStrongAttr(Player targetPlayer, std::set< Node > const &target, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getSuccessor(Node state, Action action) const | Model | |
getSuccessors(Node state, Action action) const | Model | |
getTransitionProbability(Node source, Node destination) const | Model | |
getUltraWeakAttr(Player targetPlayer, std::set< Node > const &target, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getWeakAttr(Player targetPlayer, std::set< Node > const &target, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getWECs(std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< std::pair< Node, Action >> const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
getWECs(std::set< Node > const &restriction) const | Model | |
getWECs(void) const | Model | |
Index typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
invertProperty(void) | Model | |
isBDP() const | Model | inline |
isDecisionNode(Node node) const | Model | |
isGame(void) const | Model | |
isNode(Node node) const | Model | |
loadStrategyCSV(std::string filename) const | Model | |
lookUpLabel(std::string const &label) const | Model | |
makeInitial(Node node) | Model | |
Model(Cudd mgr, ModelOptions options=ModelOptions{}) | Model | |
Model(Cudd mgr, std::string const &filename, Verbosity::Level pverbosity=Verbosity::Silent, ModelOptions options=ModelOptions{}) | Model | |
Model(Model const &model, Parity const &automaton, ModelOptions options=ModelOptions{}) | Model | |
numDecisionNodes(void) const | Model | |
numNodes(void) const | Model | inline |
numProbabilisticNodes(void) const | Model | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, Model const &l) | Model | friend |
parseOptions(ModelOptions options) | Model | |
prettyPrintState(int n) const | Model | |
printActionsCSV(std::string filename) const | Model | |
printDot(std::string graphname=std::string("Model"), std::string filename=std::string("-")) const | Model | |
printPrism(std::string const &modulename=std::string("m"), std::string filename=std::string("-")) const | Model | |
printStrategyCSV(std::unordered_map< Node, Action >, std::string filename) const | Model | |
probMcNaughton(void) const | Model | |
probMcNaughton(std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
probMcNaughton(std::map< Node, Priority > pri, std::set< Node > const &restriction, std::set< Index > const &forbiddenEdges) const | Model | |
Propositions typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
pruneToStrategy(std::unordered_map< Node, Action > const &strategy, bool removeUnreachable, bool makeMC) const | Model | |
readVerbosity(void) const | Model | inline |
replaceUnitProbabilityTransitions() | Model | |
sanityCheck(void) const | Model | |
setActionName(Action action, std::string const &name) | Model | |
setBDP() | Model | inline |
setNodePlayer(Node decisionnode, Player player) | Model | |
setVerbosity(Verbosity::Level v) | Model | inline |
sortEdgesByPriority(void) | Model |