Type-directed Bounding of Collections in Reactive Programs
Type-directed Bounding of Collections in Reactive Programs
VMCAI 2019:
International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation
Our aim is to statically verify that in a given reactive program, the length of collection variables does not grow beyond a given bound. We propose a scalable type-based technique that checks that each collection variable has a given refinement type that specifies constraints about its length. A novel feature of our refinement types is that the refinements can refer to AST counters that track how many times an AST node has been executed. This feature enables type refinements to track limited flow-sensitive information. We generate verification conditions that ensure that the AST counters are used consistently, and that the types imply the given bound. The verification conditions are discharged by an off-the-shelf SMT solver. Experimental results demonstrate that our technique is scalable, and effective at verifying reactive programs with respect to requirements on length of collections.BibTeX
@string{VMCAI = "International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)"} @inproceedings{bounding-vmcai19, author = {Tianhan Lu and Pavol Černý and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang and Ashutosh Trivedi}, title = {Type-directed Bounding of Collections in Reactive Programs}, booktitle = VMCAI, year = {2019}, pages = {275-296}, }