
Interactive Abstract Interpretation with Demanded Summarization
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.


We consider the problem of making expressive, interactive static analyzers compositional. Such a technique could help bring the power of server-based static analyses to integrated development environments (IDEs), updating their results live as the code is modified. Compositionality is key for this scenario, as it enables reuse of already-computed analysis results for unmodified code. Previous techniques for interactive static analysis either lack compositionality, cannot express arbitrary abstract domains, or are not from-scratch consistent.

We present demanded summarization, the first algorithm for incremental compositional analysis in arbitrary abstract domains which guarantees from-scratch consistency. Our approach analyzes individual procedures using a recent technique for demanded analysis, computing summaries on demand for procedure calls. A dynamically-updated summary dependency graph enables precise result invalidation after program edits, and the algorithm is carefully designed to guarantee from-scratch-consistent results after edits, even in the presence of recursion and in arbitrary abstract domains. We formalize our technique and prove soundness, termination, and from-scratch consistency. An experimental evaluation of a prototype implementation on synthetic and real-world program edits provides evidence for the feasibility of this theoretical framework, showing potential for major performance benefits over non-demanded compositional analyses.