I am a computer science PhD specializing in automatic program analysis. My interest is improving the speed, security, and reliability of software development. My research focuses on the problem of verification of event-driven software with minimal modeling of the event-driven framework. I have developed and tested both static and dynamic analysis for the Android operating system and published papers on both.
- PhD: University of Colorado, Boulder
- Thesis: Message History Logics and Callback Control Flow Models for Automatic Event-Driven Application Analysis
- Advisor: Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
- 2024
- Computer Science
BS: Colorado School of Mines
- 2009
- Geophysical Engineering

- Historia: Refuting Callback Reachability with Message-History Logics OOPSLA 2023. Shawn Meier, Sergio Mover, Gowtham Kaki, and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
- Lifestate: Event-Driven Protocols and Callback Control Flow ECOOP 2019. Shawn Meier, Sergio Mover, and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
- DroidStar: Callback Typestates for Android Classes ICSE 2018. Arjun Radhakrishna, Nicholas Lewchenko, Shawn Meier, Sergio Mover, Krishna Chaitanya Sripada, Damien Zufferey, Bor-Yuh Evan Chang, Pavol Cerny
Technical Reports
- Abstracting Event-Driven Systems with Lifestate Rules Shawn Meier, Aleksandar Chakarov, Maxwell Russek, Sergio Mover, Bor-Yuh Evan Chang